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Application Security Services


Build and maintain secure software applications in today’s dynamic and evolving digital landscape

As technology continues to advance, so do the threats and vulnerabilities that can compromise the integrity and security of applications. At Arctiq, we understand the critical importance of robust application security in safeguarding sensitive data, maintaining customer trust, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Traditional models often treat security as a bottleneck in the development process, leading to delays and rushed deployments. Additionally, a reactive posture towards security, with scans conducted post-development, often results in crucial vulnerabilities being addressed too late, escalating risks.

Arctiq’s Approach to Security-Driven Software Development


Early Integration of Security into the SDLC

Arctiq embraces the “Shift-Left” methodology, embedding security considerations and checks at the outset of the development process to proactively identify and address risks. By conducting regular, automated security scans throughout the development cycle, continuous visibility is maintained and vulnerabilities are detected early.


Fostering Collaborative Security in DevOps

Arctiq champions a DevSecOps culture, where security is a collective responsibility integrated seamlessly into DevOps workflows. By establishing a continuous feedback loop, developers and security teams maintain open communication,  swiftly resolving issues as they arise and sharing insights for mutual growth.


Efficiency through Automation

Arctiq deploys automated security scanning tools that evaluate code for vulnerabilities with each commit, merge, or build. This automation reduces manual effort, accelerates the identification of vulnerabilities, and employs AI/ML technologies for automated triage and prioritization. By focusing developers’ attention where it’s most needed, resources are optimized, and security remains robust.

Real-World Challenges. Solved.



Maintaining Software Integrity in the SDLC

Ensuring software integrity amid widespread use of open-source and third-party components is challenging. Issues like opaque component usage complicate vulnerability management and compliance. Challenges also include integrating SCA and automating SBOM generation effectively without overwhelming developers and refining shift-left strategies to enhance productivity.

Arctiq automates vulnerability detection with SCA tool integration and SBOM updates for better visibility and control. We streamline notifications, align strategies with risk appetites, and foster continuous improvement with best practices.

Swift, Secure Application Delivery

CTOs face the dual challenge of quickly delivering secure applications while managing the disruptive potential of SAST tools that often generate excessive false positives.

Arctiq optimizes cybersecurity in development practices, ensuring compliance and fostering a security-focused culture. We enhance SAST tool integration into workflows, minimize disruptions, and efficiently balance security with development speed.

Cloud-Native Security Management

Cloud-native applications bring unique security challenges, often exacerbated by traditional security tools that lack proper context and generate too many alerts.

Arctiq provides tailored configurations of CNAPP and CSPM tools, focusing on critical vulnerabilities for more relevant alerts and deeper insights. We also ensure continuous monitoring and offer ongoing training to maximize security tool effectiveness.