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Dyntek, RSolutions and Arctiq have merged to transform infrastructure, security, and platform solutions

Dyntek, RSolutions and Arctiq have merged to transform infrastructure, security, and platform solutions

Dyntek, RSolutions and Arctiq have merged to transform infrastructure, security, and platform solutions

icon-Platform Engineering


GitHub Partner

GitHub is more than just a code repository, it’s an immersive social platform where developers share their code, and a solution for your internal code sharing opportunities. Arctiq coaches the non-converted how to change your approach to code using Git based tooling and processes, including a culture-based approach. 

The openness of sharing and re-using approved code in a secure Enterprise deployment of GitHub can be a major change to an organization. Arctiq coaches developers and SysAdmins to embrace this new social approach, speaking the same language, writing higher-quality code faster, and a more open and sharing team. All of these advantages quickly drive innovation and growth for your applications and your business. 

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As a Certified GitHub Partner, Arctiq has met all the standards set forth by GitHub signifying a high level of expertise, commitment, and success in delivering GitHub solutions and services.



The GitHub platform provides a virtual world for developers of any code to interact and share. Internal secure Enterprise deployments bring immediate benefits to team interaction and DevOps processes. Git is a fundamental platform of DevOps, Agile, and Infra-as-Code methodologies. 


Share your critical application data across your entire company, reuse your assets, and find faults faster. GitHub brings more access to data across your application teams, inherently reducing internal silos, and sharing success across your business. Arctiq helps you manage your critical app code in GitHub securely. 


The policies and processes of Git can be a new world for companies embarking on modern transformation. Arctiq’s DevOps and application deployment methodologies focus on the full requirements of a GitHub deployment – from planning security and policies to implementation and education of the final design. 

Related Resources

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GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS)

Arctiq’s GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) Adoption Service is designed to seamlessly integrate GitHub’s powerful security tools into your development workflow, ensuring enhanced code security and streamlined processes. 

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GitHub Copilot

As a leading GitHub Premier Service Delivery Partner, Arctiq offers unparalleled expertise in empowering organizations to leverage the full potential of GitHub. We specialize in seamless integrations and go beyond deployment with a comprehensive suite of services designed to maximize the value of GitHub Copilot for your development teams.

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GitHub Partner Overview

As GitHub’s Premier Service Delivery Partner, Arctiq leads the way in North America with custom GitHub service offerings designed to cater to the unique requirements of our clients. Our specialized and certified team excels in every aspect of GitHub implementations, from architecture to seamless integration.